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Office Supplies

Office Supplies
Brand: Herma Model: Herma No.1824/1826/1827/1828
Diameter of circle: 25 mmLabel number: 60Each pack includes 5 pagesColor: 1824(Luminous Orange)/1826(Luminous Red)/1827(Luminous Yellow)/1828(Luminous Green)Ideal for taking quick notes, marking, organising, scheduling and planning.Ideal for pinboards and flipcharts. Marking dots can ..
Brand: Herma Model: Herma No.1831/1833/1834-1836/1841-1844/1846/1848
Herma No.1831/1833/1834/1835/1836/1841/1842/1843/1844/1846/1848 8mm Round LabelDiameter of circle: 8 mmLabel number: 540Each pack includes 5 pagesColor: 1831(Mixed color)/1833(Blue)/1834(Luminous Yellow)/1835(Green)/1836(Pink)/1841(Yellow)/1842(Orange)/1843(Blue)/1844(Luminous orange)/1846(Lumi..
Brand: Herma Model: Herma No.1849/1849S/1849G
Herma No.1849/1849S/1849G 8mm Round LabelDiameter of circle: 8 mmLabel number: 540Each pack includes 5 pagesColor: 1849(Black)/1849S(Silver)/1849G(Gold)Ideal for taking quick notes, marking, organising, scheduling and planning.Ideal for pinboards and flipcharts. Marking dots can be written..
Brand: Herma Model: Herma No.1851/1853-1856/1861-1864/1866
Herma No.1851/1853-1856/1861-1864/186613mm Round LabelDiameter of circle: 13 mmLabel number: 240Each pack includes 5 pagesColor: 1851(Mixed color)/1853(Dark Blue)/1854(Luminous Yellow)/1855(Dark Green)/1856(Pink)/1861(Yellow)/1862(Red)/1863(Blue)/1864(Luminous Orange)/1866(Luminous Red)Ideal for tak..
Brand: Herma Model: Herma No.1869/1869S/1869G
Herma No.1869/1869S/1869G 13mm Round LabelDiameter of circle: 13 mmLabel number: 240Each pack includes 5 pagesColor: 1869(Black)/1869S(Silver)/1869G(Gold)Ideal for taking quick notes, marking, organising, scheduling and planning.Ideal for pinboards and flipcharts. Marking dots can be writt..
Brand: Herma Model: Herma No.1871-74/1876/1878/1881/1883-86
Herma No.1871-74/1876/1878/1881/1883-86 19mm Round Label Diameter of circle: 19 mm Label number: 100Each pack includes 5 pagesColor: 1871(Yellow)/1872(Red)/1873(Blue)/1874(Luminous Orange)/1876(Luminous Red)/1878(Luminous Green)/1881(Mixed colors)/1883(Dark Blue)/1884(Luminous Y..
Brand: Herma Model: Herma No.1879/1879S/1879G
Diameter of circle: 19 mmLabel number: 100Each pack includes 5 pagesColor: 1879(Black)/1879S(Silver)/1879G(Gold)Ideal for taking quick notes, marking, organising, scheduling and planning.Ideal for pinboards and flipcharts.  Marking dots can be writte..
Brand: Herma Model: Herma No.4128
White circles,Black numbersDiameter: 8 mm  Self-adhesive numbers for identifying, labelling and marking. Ideal for custom lettering of objects at home and at work..
Brand: Herma Model: Herma No.4129
Mixed color circles, Black numbersDiameter: 8 mm  Self-adhesive numbers for identifying, labelling and marking. Ideal for custom lettering of objects at home and at work..
Brand: Herma Model: Herma No.4130
Herma No.4130 Capital Letter Label (Gold, black square)Each pack has 2 pages Size: 13x13 mm..
Brand: Herma Model: Herma No.4131
Each pack includes 2 sheetsBlack foil, gold numbersSize:13x13 mm  Self-adhesive numbers for identifying, labelling and marking. Ideal for custom lettering of objects at home and at work..
Brand: Herma Model: Herma No.4133
Herma No.4133 Capital Letter Label (Silver square) Size: 13x12 mm..
Showing 121 to 132 of 337 (29 Pages)
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